Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (about journal) Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics

Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1936
(Translated from 1958)
Issued 6 times a year
ISSN 0021-8928
(print version)

Russian Russian English English About Journal | Issues | Editorial Board | Contact Us

Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 10543
In Russian (ΟΜΜ): 9744
In English (J. Appl. Math. Mech.): 799

Volume: 80 • Issue: 6 • Year: 2016 • Total articles: 10<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
Table of Contents
The Eightieth Anniversary of the Journal Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika
Yu. Gupalo
On the stability of the equilibrium under periodic perturbations of an oscillator with a power-law restoring force with a rational exponent
Yu.N. Bibikov, V.R. Bukaty, and N.V. Trushina
Kinematic equations of a rigid body in four-dimensional skew-symmetric operators and their application in inertial navigation
Yu.N. Chelnokov
Driver directional control using two-point preview and fuzzy decision
Y.S. Tan, H. Shen, M.H. Huang, and J.G. Mao
Explicit form of the solution of the mixed problem for the seepage equation in a fractured-porous spatial layer with predominantly horizontal permeability
Kh.G. Umarov
The rotation of a rigid sphere in a viscous emulsion of gas bubbles
O.B. Gus'kov
Criterion for the strong ellipticity of the equations of motion of an anisotropic linear-elastic material
L.M. Zubov and A.N. Rudev
Elastic orthotropic or transversely-isotropic half-plane under the action of normal unsteady surface perturbations
S.A. Kutuyev and D.V. Tarlakovskii
The contact problem with the bulk application of intermolecular interaction forces: distinctive features of the subsurface stresses
I.A. Soldatenkov
Vth International Conference on Topical Problems of Continuum Mechanics with a special session in honour of Alexander Manzhirov's 60th birthday 2-7 October 2017, Tsaghkadzor, Armenia
Volume: 80 • Issue: 6 • Year: 2016 • Total articles: 10<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
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