| | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1936
(Translated from 1958)
Issued 6 times a year
ISSN 0021-8928 (print version) |
Archive of Issues
Total articles in the database: | | 10543 |
In Russian (ÏÌÌ): | | 9744
In English (J. Appl. Math. Mech.): | | 799 |
| Table of Contents | |
| The formation of an anisotropic elastic medium on the compaction front of a stream of particles A.G. Kulikovskii and E.I. Sveshinkova | 521-530 |
| Resonance rotations of a pendulum with a vibrating suspension A.A. Aduyenko and N.I. Amel’kin | 531-538 |
| The dynamics of a disk on a rough inclined plane when there is an uneven normal stress distribution A.M. Rusinova | 539-545 |
| Modification of a PD+ controller for the orbital stabilization of the motions of an all-wheel drive mechanical system S.V. Gusev, L.V. Paramonov, S.S. Pchelkin, A. Robertsson, L.B. Freidovich, and A.S. Shiriaev | 546-555 |
| The dispersion of an ideal gas from a point into a void. A new model of the Big Bang and the expansion of the Universe Kh.F. Valiyev and A.N. Kraiko | 556-565 |
| The integral invariant of the equations of motion of a viscous gas V.N. Golubkin, V.V. Markov, and G.B. Sizykh | 566-571 |
| Flexural vibrations of a rod of variable stiffness and distributed mass G.M. Ulitin and S.N. Tsarenko | 572-576 |
| Asymptotics of the natural oscillations of a thin elastic gasket between absolutely rigid profiles S.A. Nazarov | 577-586 |
| Dynamic deformation of the contact layer when there is shear interaction between a body and the soil A.A. Bakhodirov, S.I. Ismailova, and K.S. Sultanov | 587-595 |
| Sliding of a smooth indentor over a viscoelastic half-space when there is friction I.G. Goryacheva, F.I. Stepanov, and E.V. Torskaya | 596-603 |
| Periodic contact problem for an elastic wedge D.A. Pozharskii | 604-610 |
| An approximate analytical solution of the integral equations of non-axisymmetric contact problems for a ring-shaped domain Ye.V. Kovalenko | 611-617 |
| An extended Galerkin representation for a transversely isotropic linearly elastic medium D.V. Georgievskii | 618-621 |
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