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Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1936
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A.S. Andreyev and R.B. Zainetdinov, "Stabilization of the motions of mechanical systems with variable masses," J. Appl. Math. Mech. 73 (1), 1-7 (2009)
Year 2009 Volume 73 Issue 1 Pages 1-7
Title Stabilization of the motions of mechanical systems with variable masses
Author(s) A.S. Andreyev (Ul’yanovsk, Russia,
R.B. Zainetdinov (Ul’yanovsk, Russia)
Abstract A holonomic mechanical system with variable masses and cyclic coordinates is considered. Such a system can have generalized steady motions in which the positional coordinates are constant and the cyclic velocities under the action of reactive forces vary according to a given law. Sufficient Routh-Rumyantsev-type conditions for the stability of such motions are determined. The problem of stabilizing a given translational-rotational motion of a symmetric satellite in which its centre of mass moves in a circular orbit and the satellite executes rotational motion about its axis of symmetry is solved.
1.  E.J. Routh, A Treatise on the Stability of a Given State of Motion, Macmillan and Co, London (1877) 108p.
2.  L. Salvadori, Un’osservazione su di un criterio di stabilita del Routh, Rend Accad Sci Fis e Math Soc Naz Sci Lett et Arti Napoli 20 (1/2) (1953), pp. 269–272.
3.  V.V. Rumyantsev, On the Stability of Steady Motions of Satellites, Vychisl Tsentr Akad Nauk SSSR, Moscow (1967).
4.  V.V. Rumyantsev, On the optimal stabilization of control systems, Prikl Mat Mekh 34 (3) (1970), pp. 440–456.
5.  A.V. Karapetyan and V.V. Rumyantsev, The stability of conservative and dissipative systems, Advances in Science and Technology. General Mechanics Vol. 6, VINITI, Moscow (1983).
6.  A.V. Karapetyan, The Stability of Steady Motions, Editorial URSS, Moscow (1998).
7.  A.S. Andreyev, The stability of the equilibrium position of a non-autonomous mechanical system, Prikl Mat Mekh 60 (3) (1996), pp. 388–396.
8.  A.S. Andreyev and K. Rizito, The stability of generalized steady motion, Prikl Mat Mekh 66 (3) (2002), pp. 339–349.
9.  Andreyev A.S, Boikova T.A. Sign-definite Lyapunov functions in stability problems. In Mechanics of a Rigid Body. Donetsk: Inst Prikl Mat Mekh; 2002; 32: 109–116.
10.  A.S. Andreyev and O.A. Peregudova, The comparison method in asymptotic stability problems, Prikl Mat Mekh 70 (6) (2006), pp. 965–976.
11.  Andreyev A.S, Zainetdinov R.B. On the stability of the generalized steady motion of a mechanical system as a function of the acting forces. In Proc 9-th Intern Chetayev Conference "Analytical Mechanics, Stability and Control of Motion" Dedicated to the 105-th Anniversary of N. G. Chetayev. Irkutsk: Inst Dinamiki Sistem i Teor Upravleniya; 2007: 1; 5–14.
12.  V.V. Rumyantsev and A.S. Andreyev, Stabilization of the motion of an unsteady controlled system, Dokl Ross Akad Nauk 416 (5) (2007), pp. 627–629.
13.  V.S. Novoselov, Analytical Mechanics of Systems with Variable Masses, Izd LGU, Leningrad (1969).
14.  A.P. Markeyev, Theoretical Mechanics, Nauka, Moscow (1990).
15.  A.S. Andreyev, The asymptotic stability and instability of the zeroth solution of a non- autonomous system, Prikl Mat Mekh 48 (2) (1984), pp. 225–232.
16.  V.V. Beletskii, The Motion of an Artificial Satellite about its Centre of Mass, Nauka, Moscow (1965).
Received 16 April 2008
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