Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (about journal) Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics

Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1936
(Translated from 1958)
Issued 6 times a year
ISSN 0021-8928
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IssuesArchive of Issues2017-1pp.71-76

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Total articles in the database: 10522
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A.O. Vatul'yan and S.A. Nesterov, "Certain aspects of identification of the inhomogeneous prestressed state in thermoelastic bodies," J. Appl. Math. Mech. 81 (1), 71-76 (2017)
Year 2017 Volume 81 Issue 1 Pages 71-76
DOI 10.1016/j.jappmathmech.2017.07.008
Title Certain aspects of identification of the inhomogeneous prestressed state in thermoelastic bodies
Author(s) A.O. Vatul'yan (Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don; Southern Mathematical Institute of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Government of the Republic Northern Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz, Russia,
S.A. Nesterov (Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don,
Abstract The problem of identifying the inhomogeneous prestressed state in thermoelastic bodies is formulated. To solve this problem on the basis of a weak statement of the direct problem of thermoelasticity in Laplace transforms, operator equations have been obtained, relating the unknown and measured functions. By way of an example, an iterative procedure of identification of the initial state of a hollow cylinder is considered. Results are presented of numerical experiments on reconstruction of different types of functions.
Received 18 August 2016
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