Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (about journal) Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics

Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1936
(Translated from 1958)
Issued 6 times a year
ISSN 0021-8928
(print version)

Russian Russian English English About Journal | Issues | Editorial Board | Contact Us

About Journal

The Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (J. Appl. Math. Mech., Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, PMM) is the oldest periodical publication specifically devoted to problems of mechanics, published by the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The journal publishes results (model building, analytical, numerical and experimental) in the field of mechanics that have not been previously published and are not intended for simultaneous publication elsewhere, with the exception of the journal "Doklady RAN", in the following areas:

  • general mechanics or systems mechanics,
  • fluid mechanics,
  • mechanics of solids,
  • mathematical methods in mechanics,
  • multidisciplinary problems of mechanics (biomechanics, geomechanics, etc.).

The journal also publishes review articles in these areas. Authors are required to meet the quality demands of the publisher. An impersonal presentation is recommended.

The journal presents, to some extent, the most important ideas and results that determine the development of mechanics, the establishment of new scientific trends and the emergence of new applications of mechanics in an epoch of rapid scientific and technical progress.

The papers published in the journal reflect the advances in all the above four areas of mechanics. Review papers are accepted only if they provide new knowledge or a high-caliber synthesis of important knowledge, following preliminary approval by the editorial board.

An English translation was published under the title Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics from 1958 to 2017 (see website of Elsevier). In 2018–2023 translations of articles have been published in special issues of the journals Mechanics of Solids and Fluid Dynamics.

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101 Vernadsky Avenue, Bldg 1, Room 245, 119526 Moscow, Russia (+7 495) 434-2149
Founders: Russian Academy of Sciences, Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS
© Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
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